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Romeinen 12:6

Hebbende nu verscheidene gaven, naar de genade, die ons gegeven is,

Herziene Statenvertaling*
En nu heb­ben wij genadegaven, onderscheiden naar de genade die ons is gegeven:

Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1951**
Nog niet beschikbaar

King James Version + Strongnumbers
Having G2192 then G1161 gifts G5486 differing G1313 according G2596 to the G3588 grace G5485 that is given G1325 to us, G2254 whether G1535 prophecy, G4394 let us prophesy according G2596 to the G3588 proportion G356 of faith; G4102

Updated King James Version
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

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