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Johannes 8:6

En dit zeiden zij, Hem verzoekende, opdat zij iets hadden, om Hem te beschuldigen. Maar Jezus, nederbukkende, schreef met den vinger in de aarde.

Herziene Statenvertaling*
En dit zeiden zij om Hem te verzoeken, op­dat zij iets hadden om Hem aan te klagen. Maar Jezus bukte en schreef met de vinger in de aarde.

Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1951**
Nog niet beschikbaar

King James Version + Strongnumbers
( G1161 ) This G5124 they said, G3004 tempting G3985 him, G846 that G2443 they might have G2192 to accuse G2723 him. G846 But G1161 Jesus G2424 stooped G2955 down, G2736 and with his finger G1147 wrote G1125 on G1519 the G3588 ground, G1093 as though he heard them not.

Updated King James Version
This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

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