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Handelingen 9:31

De Gemeenten dan, door geheel Judéa, en Galiléa, en Samaria, hadden vrede, en werden gesticht; en wandelende in de vreze des Heeren, en de vertroosting des Heiligen Geestes, werden vermenigvuldigd.

Herziene Statenvertaling*
De gemeenten dan in heel Judea, Galilea en Samaria hadden vrede en werden opgebouwd; en zij wandelden in de vreze des Heeren en de vertroosting door de Hei­lige Geest en namen in aantal toe.

Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1951**
Nog niet beschikbaar

King James Version + Strongnumbers
Then G3767 ( G3303 ) had G2192 the G3588 churches G1577 rest G1515 throughout G2596 all G3650 Judaea G2449 and G2532 Galilee G1056 and G2532 Samaria, G4540 and were edified; G3618 and G2532 walking G4198 in the G3588 fear G5401 of the G3588 Lord, G2962 and G2532 in the G3588 comfort G3874 of the G3588 Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 were multiplied. G4129

Updated King James Version
Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, were multiplied.

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